Kudumbashree Kannur District team comes up with ‘Aadhi Umbrellas’ from the Tribal Resettlement Area of Aralam Farm

Posted on Friday, June 18, 2021

Kudumbashree Kannur District Mission has implemented the idea of branding and marketing the umbrellas produced by tribal families. Umbrellas produced by Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs from the tribal resettlement area of Aralam Farm of Kannur District are now available in the market in the brand name 'Aadhi Umbrellas'.

Intensive training was given on umbrella making to 28 tribal women from the tribal resettlement area of Aralam Farm under the leadership of Kudumbashree Kannur District team. They were provided with ‘umbrella making kits’ as well.  They formed two micro enterprise units and got it registered in the Kudumbashree CDS. In the first phase, these units have taken up the aim of manufacturing 5000 umbrellas for the market. They aim to sell 21 types of umbrellas under the brand name 'Aadhi Umbrellas' through the Kudumbashree network. The printed umbrella is priced at Rs 345 and the three fold black umbrella is priced at Rs 325, whereas Rs 335 is the unit cost for the multicolour umbrella.

'Nila' and 'Lotus', the micro enterprise units follow the general procedure followed in umbrella manufacturing. They buy the umbrella making kit from the market, assemble the umbrellas at their homes and bring the same to the market.
Through this enterprise activity, the Kannur District Mission aims at facilitating the tribal families (who are into daily wage based labour works) to get an additional income during this crisis period. Wishing good luck for the marketing of ‘Aadhi Umbrellas', which is a new enterprise in the tribal sector, making umbrellas. 

For buying umbrellas, please contact: 04902953006, 9645183673

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Kudumbashree Kannur District team comes up with ‘Aadhi Umbrellas’ from the Tribal Resettlement Area of Aralam Farm

Kudumbashree launches 'Kunju Pareeksha' (Simple Exam) to fight back Covid-19

Posted on Friday, June 11, 2021

Kudumbashree has launched 'Kunju Pareeksha' (A Small, Simple Exam), to take the awareness lessons about the covid-19 pandemic to families through children. Shri. M. V Govindan Master, Minister, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala inaugurated the programme. It is planned to conduct 'Kunju Pareeksha' as a series of 4 exams. The first among those exams is being held now. The exam could be written till 10.30 PM, 13 June 2021. Children may visit this link launched by Balasabha and may write this online examination. The exam is being conducted as part of Balasabha. The members of Balasabha as well as the non members can become part of this online test. The dates of the remaining three exams would be notified later.
Kudumbashree team is taking many efforts to communicate the details of the protocol to be maintained to prevent covid-19 to maximum number of people. 'Kunju Pareeksha' is conceptualized and is implemented as a result of this.  It is planned to conduct four online tests. They are model exam, quarterly exam, half yearly exam and annual exam. It is aimed to take the idea of preventing covid-19 to the children through the questions and answers of these exams. The questions of the exams would include the precautions one should take while sitting inside our houses. Also, questions will be about the precautions to be taken when going out. Also, basic informations that each one should be aware of about covid-19 pandemic will be part of questions. It is sure that this exam would be knowledgeable for the children. Also, Kudumbashree team had prepared such questions that make answering the test really enjoyable.

kunju pareeksha

It is expected that Kudumbashree would be able to share various information about the prevention of covid-19 to the children through these four exams. Rewards would be given to the best CDSs and Districts, who ensure good participation. Through this Kudumbashree envisage to spread awareness among the children. Balasabha is better known as 'the NHGs of children' and there are 32,267 Balasabha activity groups in Kerala.

The exam could be completed within 10 minutes. To write the exam, log on to : www.balasabha.in

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Kudumbashree launches 'Kunju Pareeksha' (Simple Exam) to fight back Covid-19

Important announcements for Kudumbashree in the updated Annual Budget for 2021-22 financial year

Posted on Wednesday, June 9, 2021

As in the previous years, many important announcements had been made for Kudumbashree in the updated Annual Budget for 2021-22 financial year, presented by the Finance Minister,Government of Kerala on 4 June 2021.  During the financial year of 2016-17, Kudumbashree receipts were Rs 75 crores. In the Budget for 2021-22 financial year, Rs 100 crores was allotted for Kudumbashree as part of the special livelihood package. The state share of Kudumbashree in this budget is Rs 200 crores. The Kudumbashree plan fund has therefore increased to Rs 300 crores. Considering the funds of other centrally sponsored schemes and some other projects, the total budget of Kudumbashree for the year 2021-22 will be more than Rs.1500 crore.

The important mentions about Kudumbashree in this budget are listed below.

1. During the financial year 2021-22, bank loans of a minimum of Rs 1000 crores will be given to the NHGs. The loans upto Rs 5 lakhs will be given at 4% interest rate.

2. In the background of the crisis caused by covid pandemic, the allocation of the existing livelihood package is increased to Rs 100 crores for providing subsidy to enterprises and for imparting training to those who have lost their livelihoods to find out new ones.

3. Kudumbashree is making significant contributions through about 70,000 women farming groups (Joint Liability Groups) in the agricultural sector. Rs 10 crores was earmarked for starting Agriculture Value Added Production units through Kudumbashree.

 4.  In order to utilize employment opportunities in the care economy, manpower will be provided in each Grama panchayat after giving training for the care of senior citizens, differently abled etc.

5. To ensure the representation of young women in Kudumbashree, 10,000 Auxiliary Neighbourhood Group (NHG) units will be started during this year.

6. Organic vegetables would be procured from the local farmers and would be marketed through the 'Kudumbashree Stores' of the Kudumbashree NHGs. Kerala Bank would give loans for starting such stores, purchasing vehicles and for store renovation. 2 to 3 % subsidy will be given to those who repay the loan in time.

7. As part of the Knowledge Economy Mission, the Kerala Technological University has set up Kerala Digital Work Force Management System (DWMS). Steps have been taken to consider it as a Sub Mission of Kudumbashree. 1048 Community Resource Persons, 152 block coordinators for training and 14 District Programme Executives for training for Kudumbashree and Kudumbashree State Level Mission team will mobilize their work associating with the District Programme Executive of K-Disc and 274 skill development executives of ASAP.

8. Rs 10 crores is initially earmarked for the reduction of extreme poverty.  A committee has been formed to conduct a detailed survey in this regard to determine the indicators and  to submit the suggestions for the project.

9. Rs 5 crores is initially earmarked for the Smart Kitchen Programme which aims at lessening the burden of the household works.

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Important announcements for Kudumbashree in the updated Annual Budget for 2021-22 financial year

Children from BUDS Institutions cheerfully celebrate World Environment Day

Posted on Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Children from BUDS Institutions cheerfully celebrated World Environment Day on 5 June 2021. Students of most of the BUDS Institutions in Kerala have planted fruit bearing trees to mark the World Environment Day. The main activity done by the students was sharing the photos taken with the trees planted last year, enjoying its growth. Also, they shared the photos taken with the trees which were planted on this Environment Day. In addition, various BUDS Institutions took up other complementary activities such as placard making, cleaning houses and its surroundings, drawing competitions etc.

 BUDS Institutions are the convergence project of Kudumbashree and local bodies for educating and supporting children with intellectual disabilities. Various activities have been formulated and implemented under the leadership of the BUDS Institutions, ensuring the full participation of the children. The teachers and parents  took efforts with great enthusiasm to formulate activities as a continuation of the activities of last year's environment day celebrations, thereby helping the students to get more close and connected to nature. They had also given the students various challenges, organised online meetings and shared the photos of the activities. The students of BUDS Institutions have indeed celebrated the Environment Day of 2021 at its best.

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Children from BUDS Institutions cheerfully celebrate World Environment Day

BUDS Schools celebrate Admission Festival in joyous mode

Posted on Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The BUDS Institutions all across the state had celebrated the admission festival in joyous mode. While the online admission festival was conducted in all schools across the state on 1 June 2021, the BUDS Schools and BUDS Rehabilitation centres organized an online admission festival at the LSGI level, in the best way possible. The BUDS admission festival was conducted in online mode in the LSGIs, by including the families of the BUDS students. It was done after the 'pravesanolsavam' to the general schools was completed. The elected representatives, LSGI officials, teachers and personalities from political-social cultural sectors have participated in the online admission festival and paid their felicitations. 

From last year onwards, online classes were being given to the students of the BUDS Institutions. When online classes were started through Victers Channel in the first phase for the students of the general schools under the leadership of the Education Department, Kudumbashree thought about how we could give effective classes and training to the BUDS students. Kudumbashree understood that the students were restless about not being able to go to the school and in this regard, Kudumbashree had formulated and implemented various programmes, consulting with the BUDS teachers, caretakers and subject experts.  

Teachers prepare the videos of the classes, upload them to YouTube and the same are sent to the mobile phones of the parents of the students. Parents show this video to the children, make them do the related activities and assignments and send them back to the teachers once it is completed. In addition, work sheets of every video class are given to the children. Students, with the help of parents, complete those and send them back to the teachers. In this way, children were made part of these classes in an effective way. These online classes are conducted in an interactive way that the teachers come in contact with each and every child. Teachers give instructions to do activities (drawing, newspaper reading, learning letters, music class, stitching class, joining parents for kitchen chores, handicraft making, vegetable farming) as per the individual plans, created by knowing the special ability of each and every student of the institutions. As per this, the instructions are given through WhatsApp and the activities of the children are continuously supervised. 

The activities are ongoing giving emphasis to the idea that it is the duty of the BUDS Teachers to ensure the welfare of all the students (studying in BUDS) in the limits of the LSGIs, where the respective BUDS institution is situated. It is suggested that every BUDS teacher should call the students on alternate days or talk to them on video call. It is also instructed to give online classes, by including the children and their parents, at least once in a week. The teachers are also directed to ensure the availability of the medicine, food  and other services needed for children during the period of covid, associating with the respective LSGIs. Various training for the mental health of the students and their parents will be given online under the leadership of the District Missions of Kudumbashree.

Online therapy service is being given to the BUDS students in 6 districts who need therapy, associating with Composite Regional Centre (CRC), headquartered at Kozhikode, as therapy is inevitable for many of these children. In addition, various  ideas are being formulated and implemented by the respective districts based on the amenities available in the respective areas. 

BUDS Institutions, a convergence project of Kudumbashree and Local Self Government Institutions functions for the children with intellectual disabilities. 9545 students are studying and getting trained in 342 BUDS Institutions which function across the state.

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BUDS Schools celebrate Admission Festival in joyous mode

Kudumbashree members active in textbook distribution

Posted on Saturday, June 5, 2021

Kudumbashree has been entrusted with the task of distributing all the textbooks to the schools across the state, from this year onwards. Kerala Books and Publishing Society (KBPS) prints the books and transports them to the 15 hubs in the 14 districts of Kerala.  Kudumbashree had taken up the task of sorting these books as per the needs of the various societies in the respective districts and dispatching them in vehicles to the societies/ schools for timely distribution. A team under the leadership of Kudumbashree functions in these hubs for the same. 

Kudumbashree got the opportunity to take care of the distribution of textbooks during January 2021. A work force including supervisors were arranged for coordinating these activities in the hub, under the leadership of Kudumbashree District Coordinators by February. The first lot from KBPS was received during February itself and Kudumbashree members had started the activity of sorting the books as per the need obtained from the societies. But, strict regulations came into being due to the crisis of covid-19 pandemic. Following that, lockdown was notified in the state and these activities were temporarily stopped. Later, the text book distribution was included in the emergency service list and was given exemption. Hence we could restart this activity from last week onwards. We expect to arrange the books from KBPS and distribute them completely before last year's revision is finished, once the schools are reopened.

Until now, 70% of books are distributed from the hubs to the societies. A total of 320 Kudumbashree members including 15 supervisors are participating in these activities in the hubs. Kudumbashree members are happy to be able to extend such an important service, securing a temporary source of income, though it is a short term job opportunity that lasts only for a few months. Kudumbashree NHG members  are making great efforts to implement an activity that is helpful to the society on time, even during the crisis of covid-19 pandemic.




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Kudumbashree members active in textbook distribution1

Kudumbashree launches ‘Chain Call’ activity to convey covid related awareness and Instructions to 45 lakh families

Posted on Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Kudumbashree has started 'Chain Call', a programme to create awareness about covid-19 to all the members, as the corona virus spread in this second wave is continuing. This activity also aims at identifying the people who need assistance. Kudumbashree will make necessary arrangements to help all those needy in convergence with the LSGIs. Further the program also intends to give confidence to the families that the Kudumbashree system is always there for them. As part of the programme, Presidents and Secretaries of about 3 lakh NHGs in the state would call each and every member in their NHGs over phone and enquire whether they need any help. They would also make them aware about the precautions (wear two layered masks, maintain social distance, go out only when it's really needed) everyone should take to prevent the spread of covid-19 pandemic.

Kudumbashree ADSs (Area Development Societies- the Kudumbashree organization system in ward level) will give directions to the Presidents and Secretaries of the Kudumbashree NHGs on what all should be asked while calling the members over phone. They will also brief about the convergences for extending assistance based on the responses/ needs received from them. The CDSs (Community Development Societies- the Kudumbashree organization system in the panchayath level) would give these directions to the ADSs. Through this ‘Chain Call’ Programme, the directions from the top level are brought to the NHG leaders and from NHG leaders to each and every family.

Selected Resource Persons in Kudumbashree are entrusted in each CDS to supervise this programme. They impart training on what all should be communicated while making the phone calls. Also, they give instructions for other coordination activities. These Resource Persons would coordinate this ‘Chain Call’  Programme at the local level.The Resource Persons had already been selected and the primary training had also been given to them. The district teams were given awareness regarding the same and had been given the instructions on what all should be conveyed while making the phone calls.  

  It is expected that, through this activity, Kudumbashree would be able to convey the message that everyone should make self defense against covid. The aim is to convey this message to more people and thereby we can counter this pandemic. Moreover, Kudumbashree believes to  be able to support people who are facing difficulties due to covid and extend them the needed services through Kudumbashree system with the convergence with the LSGIs. This activity is being fully implemented through the community based organizational system of Kudumbashree. Through this activity Kudumbashree would be able to take the covid alert message to maximum families in Kerala. Kudumbashree believes that we could extend the needed help and services through convergence using the full strength of the Kudumbashree organizational system under the supervision of the CDSs.

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Kudumbashree launches ‘Chain Call’ activity to convey covid related awareness and Instructions to 45 lakh families

CM makes special mention about the various activities of Kudumbashree during the pandemic

Posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The honourable Chief Minister, Government of Kerala had made special mention about the various activities being implemented by Kudumbashree amidst the pandemic, during his press meet on 22 May 2021. The Chief Minister had mentioned about the Kudumbashree Janakeeya Hotels, the Chain Call awareness programme being implemented through Kudumbashree, the awareness campaign proposed to be implemented from next week onwards through social organisations, the awareness classes being extended to Kudumbashree members under the leadership of Indian Medical Association etc.
As Kudumbashree had realised that the efforts and involvement of each and everyone is inevitable in fighting back this pandemic, various activities are being implemented to prevent covid-19 and to make all the families aware that everyone should do their part in the fight against covid-19 pandemic. Along with this, Kudumbashree is also engaged in extending various help and services to the public in convergence with the respective Local Self Government Institutions as well. Kudumbashree network would take up more such activities to create more awareness among the public.

To watch the video, click here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CreiO57UsQ

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CM makes special mention about the various activities of Kudumbashree

Get information on Covid-19 from experts and clarify doubts: Awareness classes progressing

Posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A series of Covid-19 Awareness Class for Kudumbashree members and the general public has been started under the leadership of Kudumbashree associating with the Indian Medical Association (IMA). The programme is ongoing receiving good responses from among the public. This program is done under the supervision of the Health Department, in cooperation with the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA).

The topics which everyone should be aware of while fighting back this pandemic are chosen for the series. The topics dealt at the awareness class series include ‘Covid home care - what all should the caretakers note’, ‘covid treatment- mental pressure’, ‘covid patient and heart disease’, ‘post covid issues and its solutions’, the ‘scientific base of covid home treatment’, ‘lung diseases of covid patients and the ‘treatment protocols’, 'Covid and women',  'Covid preventive measures at work places', 'Know everything about Covid Vaccination', 'Covid- preventive measures', Diabetics in Covid patients: What to note', 'Covid home care- How to make the home safe', 'Covid home care and children', 'Covid home care- masks and waste', 'Covid patients-food', 'Non covid monsoon diseases- What all to be taken care of' etc. The classes are dealt with by the experts who have experience in the healthcare sector.  The awareness classes were started on 13 May 2021 onwards. The classes are being conducted on alternate days. 

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) extends full support for this initiative. IMA has selected the doctors for the classes and prepared the schedules and has also chosen the subject experts who have good communication skills and are capable of communicating the information with the common people. Kudumbashree members and the public have participated in these classes with great enthusiasm. As per the protocol being followed now, the Category-A covid patients should take their treatments at home. And during this time, it is important that everyone should be aware of the treatment and all sides of covid-19 pandemic. This is the reason why such a programme was started. All the technical settings for these classes are arranged by KILA. 

The Health Department supervises this programme and gives the needed advice. Arrangements are made to answer the questions with the support of the Health Department and if any questions regarding the policy of the Government arise while giving these technical classes under the leadership of IMA. Also the concerned officials of KILA would attend the classes to answer the questions regarding the Government orders and services related to the Local Self Government Department. 

The classes could be watched live on the respective days from 2.30 PM onwards through the Facebook pages and YouTube channels of KILA and Kudumbashree. The viewers may also ask their doubts and get it clarified from the experts themselves.  The previous classes are also available in these pages and channels. It is expected that these awareness classes about covid, organized with best convergence and partnership would reach out to all  people in Kerala and it would help them in the treatments of covid patients and will be of great help to all.

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Get information on Covid-19 from experts and clarify doubts: Awareness classes progressing

1054 Janakeeya Hotels in Kerala stand out extending best of their services

Posted on Friday, May 21, 2021

The 1054 Janakeeya Hotels in Kerala have already set a unique model by extending best of their services amidst the crisis of covid-19 pandemic. As lockdown is notified in the state to contain the spread of the second wave of covid-19 pandemic, most of the Janakeeya Hotels are delivering the food parcels to the needy. Everyday, an average of more than 80,000 meals @ Rs. 20 are packed and served from all the Janakeeya Hotels across the state. A total of 1054 Janakeeya hotels are functioning all across the state which includes the 874 Janakeeya Hotels in the panchayat areas and 180 Janakeeya Hotels in the municipalities and corporations. These have turned out to be a great service provider for the common people during this crisis.

Around 1.50 lakh people were served meals every day @ Rs 20, before the lockdown was notified in the state . When the lockdown was started, the number of  meals from the Janakeeya Hotels had decreased as only parcel meals were permitted. In the budget speech for the 2020-21 financial year, it was announced that 1000 Janakeeya Hotels will be started all across the state under the leadership of Kudumbashree. Kudumbashree was able to implement this programme in the best way possible, amidst the crisis of covid-19 pandemic. When the financial year ended on 31 March 2021, the number of Janakeeya Hotels started in the state was 1007. A total of 1054 Janakeeya Hotels have started functioning until today.


The details including the location of these 1054 Janakeeya Hotels, the contact numbers to order the food, the details of the food supplied from the Janakeeya Hotels every day (including free meals) are available in public domain in this link: https://kudumbashree.org/pages/826. The NHG members and entrepreneurs have succeeded in running these Janakeeya Hotels efficiently,  providing the best of their services to the people and are extending the best of their services even during the time of crisis.

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The 1054 Janakeeya Hotels in Kerala have already set a unique model by extending best of their services amidst the crisis of covid-19 pandemic