സഹവര്‍ത്തിത്വത്തിന്റെ പുതു മാതൃകയായി 'കോളിങ് ബെല്‍' പരിപാടി

Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2018

'Calling Bell' programme of Kasaragod District Mission is being a unique model of compassion. The programme was launched for the well being of the elderly people and women who are staying alone. The programme had identified more than 3000 beneficiaries so far and had started extending extra care for them in the NHG level itself. As the programme was widely appreciated, the programme is being extended to other districts as well. The innovative programme was suggested by the District Mission Coordinator of Kasaragod. The Calling Bell programme was launched by the Kasaragod District Mission, as the atrocities against lonely women and elderly people increased. The programme is being implemented through the Snehitha Gender Help Desk under the District Mission. For testing the programme, the pilot study of the programme wasconducted in Kuttikkol Panchayath of Kasaragod District.

The Calling Bell Programme is really being a boon for women who are staying alone and also for elderly people. The members from the NHGs visit the homes where elderly people are there and women are staying alone. The NHG members would try to communicate with such women and elderly people. By maintaining a good relationship with them, the NHG members would extend the needed support for the women. Based on their issues the assistance would be provided. If counseling is to be extended that would be given and if they are lacking legal assistance, that would also be provided to them. For ensuring the security of women, the service of police departments would also be ensured. The NHG office bearers would visit their homes daily and the community counselors and Snehitha Gender Help Desk would ensure the counseling for them. Through NHG, ADS and CDS visits to their homes, the security of them would be made ensured and would make sure that they are getting the needed support. The programme gels the relationship between the NHGs and the society. The Calling Bell Programme is showcasing the compassionate face of Kudumbashree Mission.