The awards for the winners of the Photography, Short Story and Essay Writing Competitions organized under the auspices of Kudumbashree were distributed. M.B. Rajesh, Minister for Local Self Governments, Rural Development, Town Planning, Regional Development Authorities, Excise, KILA and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Kerala distributed the awards to the winners of the competitions during the function held at Mascot Hotel, Thiruvananthapuram on 18 March 2025. Ms. Geetha Nazeer, Governing Body Member, Kudumbashree presided over the function. Adv Smitha Sundareshan, President, Block Panchayath and Kudumbashree Governing Body Member was the Chief Guest of the function.
In the Photography General Category, M.J. Ratheesh Kumar (First Place), Aravindan Manali (Second Place), K.A. Abdul Khader (Third Place), Arun Jyoti Rishikesh, Alfred M.K. and A. Prasad (Consolation Prizes) received the awards. In the NHG/Auxiliary Group Category, Anusha Mohan (First Place), Jasna Palakkal (Second Place), Jemini Benny (Third Place), Jishana K, Fathimath Zowra and Remeena T.K (Consolation Prizes) also received awards. The winners of the first, second and third places in both categories were given a cash award of Rs. 25,000, Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively and the consolation prize winners were given a cash award of Rs. 2,000 each.
In the Sargam Story Writing Competition, Sheeba K (First Place), Muhseena M.A (Second Place), Rasheeda. P, Arsha Unni B (Third Place), Santhakumari P.K, Nirmala Balakrishnan and Vidya Sudheer (Consolation Prizes) were awarded. The winners received cash awards of Rs. 20,000, Rs. 15,000, Rs. 5000 and Rs. 2500 respectively.
In essay writing, Abhiram Pavithran O (First Place), Alan Antony (Second Place), Al Ameen J (Third Place) and Amit Jyothi U.P (Consolation Prize) were also awarded. The winners were given cash awards of Rs. 20,000, Rs. 15,000, Rs. 5000 and Rs. 2500 respectively. All the winners were given cash awards along with mementos and certificates.
G. Binulal, R. Parvathy Devi, Rosemary and K.A. Beena, representing the jury members of all three categories, expressed their views on the competitions. H. Dineshan IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree welcomed the gathering and Dr. Anchal Krishnakumar, Public Relations Officer, Kudumbashree delivered the vote of thanks.

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Sargam Literary Competition-Third Season distributed to winners