Government of Kerala declared May 17 as Kudumbashree Day. Government Order regarding the same has been issued adding more colour to the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Kudumbashree. As part of the completion of twenty-five years of Kudumbashree, the government has issued an order announcing that May 17 will be observed as Kudumbashree Day in the coming years. May 17 is the foundation day of Kudumbashree.
Kudumbashree, which started working in the state in 1998 with the aim of absolute poverty eradication and economic-social empowerment of women, will complete twenty-five years on 17 May 2023. Based on this, the Executive Director of Kudumbashree gave a letter to the government on 8 December 2022 requesting that May 17 be declared as Kudumbashree Day. The new announcement is in consideration with the letter given by the Executive Director of Kudumbashree.
The government's new announcement will add momentum to the NHG meeting programs organized in all the three lakh NHGs of the state on 26 January 2023, starting with the Silver Jubilee celebrations. Kudumbashree is preparing to transform the NHG meeting into a strong step of the women's community in which 46 lakh Kudumbashree women participate at the same time with various programmes.
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Government of Kerala declares May 17 as Kudumbashree Day