I was born to an agricultural family in Vallikkunnam. My marriage was in 1997. Then my life was only in the kitchen. My uncle, a member in the panchayath told me about Kudumbashree. I told it to my husband, and with his consent I joined in Kudumbashree.
Name: Sreelatha R
Age: 42
Educational Qualification: Pre Degree
Phone: 9846905972
CDS: Vallikkunnam
Duration of service as CDS chairperson: Six years
Life changes
I was born to an agricultural family in Vallikkunnam. My marriage was in 1997. Then my life was only in the kitchen. My uncle, a member in the panchayath told me about Kudumbashree. I told it to my husband, and with his consent I joined in Kudumbashree. By making a team of 15 people, we formed a neighbourhood. I came to Kudumbasree by taking up as the secretary's position. I was elected as the ADS chairperson in 2008. Later, I got elected as CDS member and as chairperson. There existed many problems at the time when I was elected as the CDS chairperson. In the past, during the tenure of the governing body, many loans were levied. I could not do anything in the first term. But I still continue to remain as the CDS chairperson. During the next tenure, I was able to show up many activities. The Subsidy loan, Asraya, micro enterprise, group farming, gender and balasabha activities were conducted. I was able to participate in a number of activities and got acquainted with various personalities and to work with them.I can never forgetthe approval given to me by the CDS members and the Panchayat Governance Committee on January 6th .
Challenges Acquired
I felt the most proud of what I had done in the implementation of the Asrayaproject for the destitute. Before I took over the chairperson, there were 64 trusted beneficiaries. Over the years, we have been offering an Onakkodi every year. But since I took charge of the chairperson, by the support of district Kudumbashree Mission I was able to provide nutritious food for the Asrayadestitutesevery month. After the second survey, 100 found beneficiaries were found and we were able to help them. Under Ashraya project, we found eligible people and constructed houses for them. And the love they show us isthe energy to do more for them.
Go ahead
A Kudumbashree unit in my CDS started a bag unit. We were able to give them all sorts of encouragement. The RF and the matching grant were also given to them along withRs 50,000 from the CIF fund. Another 25 members coined together and started a catering unit. The CDS has brought out a lot of initiatives during my term. I am taking the steps out of CDS in the belief thatI was able to lead them to progress and progress