Sales of Rs 18.94 crores has been recorded through Kudumbashree Onam Markets organized under the leadership of Kudumbashree across the state. This achievement was made through 1102 CDS Level Onam Markets organized in the 1070 CDSs. Rs 14.13 crores was recorded from the sale of the products of micro enterprises and Rs.4.81 crores from the sale of agricultural products. Kudumbashree entrepreneurs were benefitted out of this opportunity.
It is for the first time that Kudumbashree is making a huge sales from the onam market after the unprecedented floods and the crisis of covid-19. Rs 9.67 crores was earned during last year and double of that amount is earned during this year. Ernakulam district has made the highest sale through Kudumbashree Onam Market during this year. The entrepreneurs of Ernakulam district was able to make a sales of Rs 2.90 crores. Kozhikode district came in the second place by making a sales of Rs 2.62 crores. Whereas Alappuzha district came in the third place with a sales of Rs 2.52 crores.
This time, the onam markets were also notable with the excellent participation of the entrepreneurs. The CDS Level Onam Markets were organized under the leadership the respective District Missions in collaboration with the Local Self Government Institutions. 35,383 micro enterprise units and 17,475 Kudumbashree farming groups brought their products to the CDS Level Onam Markets. Apart from this, Kudumbashree products were also made available at the marketing fairs organized in collaboration with the local bodies, Agriculture Department and Supplyco departments. The good organization and efficient coordination along with availability of quality products at fair prices paved the way for the success of the Onam Markets.
Onam Market is one of the major sources of income for the Kudumbashree entrepreneurs working in the agricultural-micro enterprise sector. Though the color of the onam markets faded due to the covid recession during the last two years, Kudumbashree succeeded in activating the organization of onam markets in rural and urban CDSs, this time. The public market has also been buoyed this time as the threat of covid had faded.
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Sales of Rs 18.94 crores recorded through Kudumbashree Onam Marketsen