'Auxomeet @ 23' will be organized for Auxiliary Group members and young women between the ages of 18 and 40 on the model of the successful campaign held for NHG members- 'Back to School'. The meet will be held on 23 December 2023 under the leadership of Kudumbashree CDS. Training for state level trainers for this was organized on N at KILA, Thrissur on 14-15 November 2023. The meet aims at renewing and expanding the Auxiliary Groups. The meet aims to develop the skills of Auxiliary Groups to engage in social and cultural activities and enable effective utilization of innovative livelihood opportunities. Also the meet aims to develop Auxiliary Groups as Regional Knowledge Resource Centres.
About three lakh women who are currently members of the Auxiliary Groups will be a part of the meet. The formal inauguration of the training for trainers was done by Dr. Joy Elamon, Director, KILA, Thrissur. Dr. Kavitha A, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Thrissur District Mission presided over the function and Shri. Nishad C.C, State Program Manager, Kudumbashree State Mission presented the topic. Shri. Vipin Wilfred, State Assistant Programme Manager, Kudumbashree welcomed the gathering and Shri. Mathew Chacko delivered the vote of thanks.
Along with the officials of Kudumbashree State Mission, Ms. Reji Thomas, District Program Manager, Thrissur, Shri. Santhakumar, Kudumbashree Training Team Member, Auxiliary Group State Resource Persons- Ms. Arya (Kollam), Ms. Gayathri (Thiruvananthapuram), Ms. Arya (Alappuzha), Ms. Jyothi (Ernakulam), Ms. Bismi (Thrissur) and Ms. Oleena (Kozhikode) and Ms. Shyamili (Kasaragod) gave leadership to the training.
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Auxomeet @ 23 to be held for Auxiliary Groups; Organized Training for Trainersd