Government Orders

  • Appointment of watchman on contract basis in the State Election Commission - Ratified - Orders issued.
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management Project with a Waste to Energy plant with 300 TPD capacity on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis at Brahmapuram in Ernakulam district - Selection of the concessionaire - Consortium lead by M/s. Zonta Infratech Pvt Ltd. Tipping fee of Rs.3550/- per tonne Approved Orders issued.
  • Transfer of fund related to pre monsoon cleaning campaign-Administrative Sanction accorded-Orders issued.
  • Ist instalment of Central Assistance to Social Audit Unit under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA for the year 2021-22 for conduction and staffing of independent social audit Unit-Release of funds-Sanction accorded-orders issued.
  • Implementation of IBPMS -Appointing qualified persons on contract basis for providing assistance to the Engineering wing of all the ULBs - Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
  • PMGSY-2013-14 (Phase VIII), Package No.KR 07-30 Kanjirapally Block, Kottayam District-Elamkadu-Kodunga road-Estimate for flood relief and Rehabilitation-Administrative sanction accorded-Orders issued
  • AMRUT - 3rd installment of CA against SAAP - I, II & III - Sanctioned - Orders Issued
  • OA 100/2021-Guidelines for registering vehicles transporting waste- Complied with - Orders issued
  • Payment of Compensation to the victims of stray dog menace in the reports no.27 to 30 of the Justice (Rtd) Siri Jagan Committee-Sanctioned -Orders issued
  • Implementation of Intelligent Building Plan Management System (IBPMS)-Procurement of software license for the servers hosted in the State data Centre and the back up server-Sanction accorded