ട്രാന്‍സ്‌ജെന്‍ഡേഴ്‌സ് സംഘകൃഷിയിലേക്ക്‌

Posted on Monday, July 30, 2018

A group of five transgenders from Kozhikode District is all set to enter into group farming after this Monsoon season. A Joint Liability Group named 'Punarjani' had been formed under Kudumbashree Kozhikode District Mission. The transgenders will bring their cultivated crops to the market very soon. It is envisaged to ensure the supply of pure organic vegetables to the public thereby helping the sidelined communities like transgenders earn their livelihood through group farming.They launched the programme by sowing the seeds in a grow bag at Kudumbashree District Mission Kozhikode. The group will do their farming at the 25 cents of land of Mahilamandiram, located at Vellimadukunnu, Kozhikode. Sisily George, Kareena, Aleena, Prayaga and Thasni are the five members of the group. Prayaga is the Secretary and Sisily is the President of the Group.

The loans for buying the seeds and fertilizers would be made availed by Kudumbashree. The Punarjani group members had already received training from Krishi Vigyan Kendra for mushroom cultivation and coconut tree climbing. Kudumbashree Kozhikode District Mission has framed the programme in connection with the Kudumbashree- Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) programme. Through Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) programme of the Government of India aims to improve the status of women in agriculture and bridge the gender gap that still exists in the Indian agrarian world to bring about systemic change in the sector. Kudumbashree Mission had been implementing various programmes for bringing the sidelined communities like transgenders to the forefront of the society and it is for the first time that a Joint Liability Group is formed for helping them enter into group farming.

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The loans for buying the seeds and fertilizers would be made availed by Kudumbashree.