Kudumbashree has won national awards for its outstanding convergence activities under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) scheme, which aims to provide housing to all the homeless in urban areas. Kudumbashree is the nodal agency of PMAY project in Kerala.
Kudumbashree has won two state level awards of PMAY (Urban) Awards for 2021 constituted by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Also, based on the best performance showcased in the specified 150 days, Mattannur Municipality also won third place in the municipal level awards at the national level. In Kerala, PMAY (Urban) project is implemented in convergence with LIFE housing project.
Kudumbashree has won the Special Award for the Best Convergence Model with projects including livelihood projects and the Award for the Best Community Oriented Project under the Scheme at the state level. The Special Convergence Model Award is for the effective convergence activities including the LIFE Project, Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme, National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) implemented by Kudumbashree in urban areas and the various schemes of the respective Urban Local Bodies.
Kudumbashree provides better employment and livelihood opportunities through convergence by providing them with free job skill training, self-employment support etc along with making the PMAY (U) beneficiary families part of Kudumbashree NHGs. Free gas connection is also provided as part of the central scheme. By making it a part of the Ayyankali Employment Guarantee Scheme, the beneficiary also gets an additional financial assistance of Rs 27,990 for housing. Apart from this, Kudumbashree is also making interventions such as including all the beneficiaries who have completed construction of houses till 2021 in housing insurance, providing CSR assistance to the needy beneficiaries and providing housing construction materials at low cost were also considered in the award determination.
Also, Kerala is the state that provides the maximum assistance through this scheme in the country. In addition to Rs 1.50 lakhs provided by the Central Government, the State Government and Municipal Corporations also provide Rs 2.50 lakhs to the beneficiary. Also no beneficiary share is charged after converging with the LIFE Mission.
Excellence in the project execution, excellent performance in the 150-day challenge, commencement of construction of all approved houses and the strict adherence to Management Information System (MIS) made Mattannur Municipality eligible for the award. The Awards will be presented to the winners by Shri. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister during the Indian Urban Housing Conclave proposed to be held in Rajkot, Gujarat from 17 to 19 October 2022.
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National Awards for Kudumbashree for the outstanding convergence activities under PMAY Scheme