Jal Diwali campaign was organized in the state under the joint auspices of National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) implemented by Kudumbashree in Kerala and AMRUT Mission. 938 Kudumbashree members participated in the campaign organized from 7-9 November 2023 with the tagline 'Women for Water, Water for Women'. As part of the Campaign, Kudumbashree NHG members including CDS office bearers from 18 Urban Local Bodies visited 36 Water Treatment Plants in the state.
The visit was also accompanied by an opportunity to study the operations of the water treatment plant for the women of NHGs. AMRUT officials briefed the Kudumbashree members about the Water Treatment Plant's operations and water testing. There was also an opportunity to see and understand first-hand the operations of the Water Treatment Plant and water testing in the attached lab. People's representatives, National Urban Livelihood Mission officials and AMRUT Mission officials were also part of the visit.
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Jal Diwali - About thousand Kudumbashree women visited Water Treatment Plantsen