പ്ലാസ്റ്റിക് രഹിതമായി പ്രകൃതി സൗഹൃദ സരസ് മേള

Posted on Monday, April 9, 2018

The Saras Mela 2018 being held at Pattambi stand out unique.The Saras Mela 2018 follows green protocol, which means that means no plastic is being used at the mela. It is with the help of green protocol committee and Suchithwa Mission that green protocol is being observed at the Saras Fair. The boards, banners, decorations, the arch set up at the entrance etc. are made up of either paper or cloth. The decorations are done with paper, bamboo and sack only. The take away kits being distributed at the mela are made up of cloth and paper. Disposable plates and glasses are completely avoided at the mela. Fibre, ceramic plates and steel glasses replaced the disposable plastic plates and glasses. Even the waste buckets placed at various locations at the mela are made up of bamboo. The biodegradable wastes and non degradable wastes are sorted out by the Harithakarma sena members. The biodegradable wastes are being sent to pig farms.

The volunteers are giving away leaflets to the visitors to remind them about the green protocol being observed at the Saras Mela premises. The wastes are disposed in daily basis. The Harithakarma sena members are cleaning the mela premises in regular intervals. Therefore, the 'eco-friendly' mela being held at Pattambi is attracting more and more people and are adding more colour to the festive days of Kerala. The lost and found section of the mela is so active that the visitors are finding the mela more trustworthy.The Saras mela 2018 is being wholeheartedly received by the neighbouring districts as well which results in the grand success of the programme. The Mela will come to an end on 8 April 2018.