
Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission launches 'Yathrashree'

Posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission launched 'Yathrashree' Programme. The programme was officially inaugurated by Shri. M. V Govindan Master, Minister, Local Self Government Department and Excise Department, Government of Kerala at the function held at Beach Park, Pallikkara, Kasaragod on 30 April 2022.

The Kudumbashree members of the district are all set to guide the tourists who come to know about Kasaragod, through 'Yathrashree'. Special packages will be prepared knowing the multifarious facts of the district such as the history, geography, art, language, culture, food styles etc and the same will be presented before the tourists. Kudumbashree Kasaragod District team is making such an intervention in the tourism sector associating with the Bekal Tourism Development Corporation (BRDC).

Through this programme, Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission aims at arranging livelihood opportunities for Kudumbashree members by making them tour operators, thereby turning them into the part of Responsible Tourism activities. A minimum of two Kudumbashree/Auxiliary Group members (graduates) each will be selected from every Panchayath and training will be extended to them and they will be turned into tour operators. A consortium will be formed at the district level joining them and the tourism activities through 'Yathrashree' programme will be coordinated through the consortium. As of now, 84 members were selected and they were extended first phase training as well.

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Kudumbashree Kasaragod District Mission launches 'Yathrashree'en

My Job My Pride': Minister Shri. M. V Govindan Master launched the Campaign

Posted on Monday, May 9, 2022
Kudumbashree is becoming part of the efforts to identify job seekers and extend needed guidance to them. Kudumbashree members would visit the 80 lakh households in the state from 8 May 2022 to15 May 2022. Kudumbashree would record the details of the job seekers between 18 and 59 years of age through more than one lakh specially trained enumerators, with the help of 'Jalakam' Mobile Application. 
Shri. M. V Govindan Master, Minister, Local Self Government Department and Excise Department, Government of Kerala inaugurated the 'My Job My Pride' Campaign being implemented associating with the Kerala Knowledge Mission aiming at making available suitable job opportunities for the human resource of the state, at IHRD College of Engineering, Chengannur, Alappuzha  on 8 May 2022. Shri. Saji Cherian, Minister for Fisheries, Culture and Youth Affairs, Government of Kerala presided over the function. 
In addition to the implementation of the survey which was started as part of the campaign, the enumerators will also help the beneficiaries to record their details in the Digital Workforce Management System (DWMS), which was developed for connecting the job seekers, employers and the skill training agencies. They will also give awareness about the Knowledge Economy Mission. 
The campaign aims at helping those who are not getting good job openings even though they have good educational qualification, women who had to take break from their jobs due to various reasons, the educated who lost their job in the crisis of covid-19 pandemic etc find suitable job sectors. Kudumbashree Community Ambassadors will coordinate the activities of the survey at the CDS level.


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My Job My Pride': Kudumbashree to guide the job seekers

Kudumbashree becomes the pride of Kerala by arranging livelihood opportunity for more than 12,000 people in 100 Days, Minister Shri. M.V Govindan Master made the declaration

Posted on Sunday, May 8, 2022
Kudumbashree has made greatest achievement in the 100 Day Programme announced in connection with the first anniversary celebrations of the State Government. Shri. M.V Govindan Master, Minister, Local Self Government Department and Excise Department, Government of Kerala had made the declaration regarding the same at the function held at EMS Hall, District Panchayath, Thiruvananthapuram on 7 May 2022. 
Kudumbashree has completed the 100 Day Programme, which aimed at arranging livelihood opportunity for the common people through self employment and waged employment through skill training, at its best. The 100 Day Programme is being implemented from 10 February 2022 till 20 May 2022. Kudumbashree was able to arrange a source of income to more than 12,000 people during this period. 
2678 youth who completed skill training through Yuvakeralam, DDUGKY programmes were given waged employment. Whereas, 7865 people were able to find self employment through livelihood programmes (Micro Enterprises, Animal Husbandry, Agri Value Addition Production units, National Urban Livelihood Mission, Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme). The aim was to give self employment to 5000 people. 

In addition to that, Kudumbashree was able to give Interest Free Loan to 2824 emigrants through the PEARL Programme, being implemented by Kudumbashree converging with NORKA Roots to support the emigrants who lost their jobs are in crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic.  Kudumbashree was also able to launch 1719 enterprises of the emigrants. It was aimed to start 1000 enterprises. 


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Kudumbashree becomes the pride of Kerala by arranging livelihood opportunity for more than 12,000 people in 100 Days, Minister Shri. M.V Govindan Master made the declarationen

Kudumbashree receives recognition from Kerala Startup Mission

Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2022
Kudumbashree was recognized by Kerala Startup Mission for Kudumbashree's approach of giving motivation to startups. Shri. K.N Balagopal, Minister for Finance, Government of Kerala gave the Award for the Best Performing Startup Friendly Department to Smt. P.I. Sreevidya IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree at the inaugural function of the Public Procurement Summit held at Mascot Hotel, Thiruvananthapuram on 26 April 2022. The  Public Procurement Summit was organized by Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM).
The services of startups were used in various activities of Kudumbashree such as Destitute Free Kerala Programme-DFK (Portal & Mobile Application), Micro Enterprises (Mobile Application), Agricultural Sector (Management Information System, Portal, Mobile Application), Marketing (Kudumbashree Bazaar), Harsham, 100 Day Programme (Employment Tracking), Harithakarmasena, Janakeeya Hotel (Billing Software) etc.


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Kudumbashree receives recognition from Kerala Startup Mission

Kudumbashree to become part of the efforts to identify job seekers and give guidance

Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Kudumbashree is about to become part of the efforts to identify job seekers and give guidance. The job seekers include those who are not getting good job openings even though they have good educational qualification, the educated who lost their job in the crisis of covid-19 pandemic, women who had to take break from their jobs due to various reasons etc. Kudumbashree would become part of the efforts of the Kerala Government to support and guide these people.
Kudumbashree is becoming part of the activities of the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission. The Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM) aims to provide employment to the educated by transforming the State of Kerala into a Knowledge Society, which will produce, consume and transact knowledge for its own social and economic development. Kudumbashree will implement the 'My Job My Pride' Campaign which is proposed to be organized from 8 May 2022 to 15 May 2022 for the publicity of the Mission, under the leadership of the Local Self Government Institutions and the largest Job Survey in the state which is included campaign. As part of the survey, details of the educated jobless, who are between 18 and 59 years of age will be collected. The data will be collected through the mobile application- Jalakam.
 Kudumbashree is arranging around one lakh volunteers to visit all the houses. The 1070 Community Ambassadors selected through Kudumbashree will coordinate these activities in the CDS level. The training activities for these Community Ambassadors is progressing now.  As part of the campaign, awareness will be given to the public about the activities of the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission. Also the details of the educated jobless candidates will be collected and help them to get enrolled in Digital Workforce Management System (DWMS). 
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Kudumbashree to become part of the efforts to identify job seekers and give guidance

Sales of Rs 3.98 crores recorded through Vishu Markets of Kudumbashree

Posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Sales of Rs 3.98 crores were recorded through the Vishu Markets of Kudumbashree organized across the state.  Ernakulam district came first by making a sales of Rs 63 lakhs, Whereas Kasaragod district and Thrissur district came in the second and third places by making sales of Rs 41 lakhs and Rs 40 lakhs respectively. The products of Kudumbashree entrepreneurs and Kudumbashree Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) were brought under one roof through the Vishu Markets of Kudumbashree. 


A total of 956 Vishu Markets were organized across the state for a minimum of three days from 10 April 2022 to the Vishu Day, 15 April 2022. The flour, curry powders, chips etc produced by 15,889 enterprises and different kinds of vegetables produced by the 14,358 JLGs were arranged through the Vishu Markets. Ernakulam district organized the maximum number of Vishu Markets. They were able to organize 101 Vishu Markets.  In addition to the CDS level Vishu Markets, Ernakulam, Kasaragod and Kottayam districts had organized District Level Vishu Markets as well. 


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Sales of Rs 3.98 crores recorded through Vishu Markets of Kudumbashreeen

Vishu Markets of Kudumbashree starts across the state

Posted on Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Vishu Markets of Kudumbashree are started across the state. The Vishu Markets will be started in all the 1069 CDSs and will function till 15 April 2022. The Vishnu Markets aim at making available organic vegetables at affordable rates to the public. It also aims at helping the Kudumbashree farmers and entrepreneurs to market their products and thereby help them to increase their income after the crisis of covid-19 pandemic.

It is envisaged to sell the organic vegetables produced by the 74,776 Kudumbashree women farming groups (Joint Liability Groups-JLGs) and the products of Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs through these Vishu Markets. Organic cucumber, bitter gourd, spinach, aubergine, lady's finger, green chilly, pumpkin, peas, birds's eye chilli, drumstick, etc and various snacks, flours, curry powders, chutney powders etc will be available for sale at Kudumbashree Vishu Markets. In addition to that, different food items locally prepared by Kudumbashree entrepreneurs will also be sale at the Vishu Markets.

The Vishu Markets are arranged associating with the Local Self Government Institutions. The Organizing Committee formed at each CDSs are entrusted with bringing maximum products to the Vishu Market. This committee would also ensure the security of the market and will also ensure that the basic amenities are arranged. Arrangements are also made to analyze the participation and quantity of the products brought to the market. The Vishu markets will be organized ensuring covid protocol and green protocol.



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Vishu Markets of Kudumbashree starts across the state en

Sargam 2022: Awards distributed to the Winners

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Awards of 'Sargam 2022', the Story Writing Competition organized for Kudumbashree members have been distributed. Dr. Khadija Mumtaz, Renowned Writer and Former Vice President, Kerala Sahitya Academy had presented the awards to the winners at the function held in connection with the conclusion of Saras Mela 2022 at Nishagandhi Auditorium, Kanakakunnu on 10 April 2022.

Smt. Nitha P, (Story-Thfu), the first prize winner, hailing from Palakkad district, received the cash award of Rs. 15,000, memento and certificate. Smt. Dhanya N Nair (Story-Theendari), the second prize winner, hailing from Kottayam district received the cash award of Rs. 10,000, memento and certificate. Whereas, Smt. Latha (Story-Nirathu Vakkile Marangal), the third prize winner, hailing from Malappuram district received Rs. 5,000, memento and certificate.

Consolation Prizes were distributed to Smt. Baby Girija (Palakkad), Smt. Oormila A (Thiruvananthapuram), Smt. Vijayalakshmi M.K (Kannur), Smt. Sreedevi K Lal (Ernakulam), and Smt. Jisha M (Kannur). Cash Prize of Rs. 1,000, mementos and certificates were given to the consolation prize winners. Smt. Irfana P.K (Kannur), Smt. Rashida Zubair M.T (Malappuram) and Smt. Anuja Baiju (Kottayam) have also bagged the consolation prizes.




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Sargam 2022: Awards distributed to the Winners1

Saras Mela 2022 concluded

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Organized by Kudumbashree Mission, Saras Mela 2022, the national food and cultural expo, held at Kanakakunnu, Thiruvananthapuram from 30 March 2022 onwards, offering the best of traditional food and artistry has been concluded carving out yet another era in the history by drawing massive crowds. Shri. Sivankutty, Minister for General Education and Labour, Government of Kerala inaugurated the valedictory function on 10 April 2022.
The products of the rural entrepreneurs of India were arranged under one roof through 250 sales stalls. Food Court with 25 stalls where the cuisines from 15 states were available was also set up at Saras Mela 2022. In addition to that Cultural Programmes were arranged everyday. Various products such as jewelry, fabrics, leather products, handicrafts from Sikkim, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Telangana,  Andhra Pradesh, Goa etc were brought for sale.
The Awards for the Best Entrepreneurs and the Media Awards for giving good news coverage for Saras Mela 2022 was also given away at the function. Adv. V. K Prasanth, MLA, Vattiyoorkavu Constituency presided over the function. Smt. P.I Sreevidya IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree welcomed the gathering. Adv. D. Suresh Kumar, President, District Panchayath, Adv. D.K Murali, MLA, Vamanapuram Constituency, Adv. G Stephen, MLA, Aruvikkara Constituency and Dr. Khadija Mumtaz, Renowned Writer also attended the programme.  Dr. K.R Shaiju, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Thiruvananthapuram District Mission extended the vote of thanks. 
Saras 2022 Media Award Winners:
1. Print Media
    Best Reporting- Arya U.R (The New Indian Express)
Special Jury Mention- Aswathi Jayasree (Deshabhimani)
2. Visual Media
Best Reporting- S. S Saran (News 18)
Special Jury Mentions-  M.K Vinod (Amrita TV), Gopal Sheela Sanal (Media One)
3. Photography
First Prize- Sumesh Kodiyath (Deshabhimani)
Second Prize- Vincent Pulikkal (The New Indian Express)
Third Prize- T.K Deepa Prasad (The Times of India)
Awards for the Entrepreneurs
1. Best Entrepreneur- Jyothi Lathikaraj (Jack World)
2. Best Young Entrepreneur- Sheeja (Ila Sanitary Pad)
3. Value Award (Best Presentation and News Worthiness)-Saikat Chithrakar (Bengal)
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Saras Mela 2022 concluded

Kudumbashree members from Kannur serves different cuisines at the First Anniversary Celebrations of the State Government

Posted on Thursday, April 7, 2022
Kudumbashree members from Kannur are serving different cuisines at the First Anniversary Celebrations of the State Government. The First Anniversary Celebrations of the State Government was started at the Police Ground, Kannur on 3 April 2022. Kudumbashree members have caught the attention of the public by serving mouth watering cuisines at the food court of the Exhibition-Sales Stall which is set up at the Police Ground in 80,000 sqft area. The food court is set up in 8000 sqft area. 
Vana Sundari from Attappady,  Chicken Stick from Kasaragod, variety juices from Kannur etc are available at this food court. In addition, Kudumbashree's  presence is ensured in 10 exhibition-sales stalls. Products of more than 80 entrepreneurs from the district are for sale at these stalls. 'Kanal Thandiya Vazhikal', a video produced on the achievements of Kudumbashree Kannur District Mission from 2017 to 2022, of 36 minutes duration is also screened at the programme. The Programme will come to an end on 14 April 2022. 
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Vana Sundari from Attappady, Chicken Stick from Kasaragod, variety juices from Kannur etc are available at this food court.