Along with the contribution of Rs 20 crores to Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund, Kudumbashree is doing as many exemplary actions for the comprehensive rehabilitation of Mundakkai & Chooralmala in Wayanad. As part of the rehabilitation activities, Kudumbashree has completed the family survey of all the families in the three wards as per the instructions of the District Administration. Based on this, the activities related to the preparation of the micro plan required for the families are progressing rapidly.
A total of Rs.7,22,500 (Rupees Seven Lakh Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Only) has been provided under Kudumbashree Jeevan Deepam Insurance to the heirs of the nine NHG members who died in the disaster. This will be very helpful for those who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Recommendations have also been given to the State Level Bankers Committee for writing off the bank loans of the deceased.
A job fair was organized under the leadership of Wayanad District Administration and Kudumbashree for the job seekers in the disaster-affected areas and currently 59 people have been provided employment. A final list of 127 people was also prepared. The aim is to provide them with suitable employment as soon as possible. A Community Mentoring System has also been started. As a part of this, the services of 20 Community Mentors have also been ensured as one mentor for 50 families.
Kudumbashree members led the help desks that was started in the relief camps under the leadership of the Government the very next day after the disaster. In addition, food distribution to those staying in the camps, cleaning of the camps under the leadership of Harithakarmasena, Kudumbashree members and Counseling under the leadership of Community Counselors were also undertaken and implemented. In this way, Kudumbashree, the model institution of women's empowerment is implementing many precautionary measures in disaster areas to provide shade for the survivors.
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Wayanad Landslide Disaster: Kudumbashree with exemplary actions for comprehensive rehabilitation