The ownership of the houses which are built through PMAY(U)-LIFE Project being implemented through Kudumbashree in Kerala is given to women as part of ensuring women's participation, in addition to providing safe and secure homes. Out of the 1,11,835 approved beneficiaries 87,753 of them are women. Under certain circumstances, when it is unable to give the ownership in the name of the women, the ownership would be given jointly in the name of man and woman or in the name of the man. As of now, construction of 70,463 houses have been completed. By giving the ownership of the completed houses, Kudumbashree is making a notable intervention in women empowerment. Through the 31 Women Construction Units functioning in the urban areas, under the leadership of Kudumbashree, construction of 52 houses which is included in the programme has been completed.
In addition to providing the houses to the beneficiaries, the project ensures a better lifestyle for them as well. As part of this, with the convergence with Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, gas connection was provided to 7490 families at subsidy rates and LED lights were provided to 17603 families free of cost. In addition, by converging with Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme, each beneficiary was given 90 additional work days and additional financial assistance of Rs 26,190 was also provided to them. Financial assistance of Rs 70 crores was provided to them in this manner. 95 % of the project beneficiaries are Kudumbashree members. The efforts to make the remaining 5% as Kudumbashree members is progressing.