Technoworld Third team, Kudumbashree IT unit from Kozhikode district of Kerala has won the Award for the Best Women Entrepreneur of the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. The team under the leadership of Ms. K. Vijaya, President received the award on behalf of the Technoworld Third IT Unit.
Technoworld, the only enterprise from Kerala to have received this honor, operates under the Kozhikode Corporation. Started by five women in March 2004, this IT unit has provided livelihood opportunity to 50 women permanently and more than 1500 women temporarily.
In addition to directly operating the data entry and printing press, Kozhikode Corporation Kiosk, Motor Vehicle Department e-Seva Kendra and various hospital kiosks are also operated through the unit. Also there are training and plan facilitation centers. Technoworld is also a recognized agency of the government in the field of data entry and printing.
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kudumbashree technoworld 3rd it team got national awardEN