Kudumbashree RISE State Level Campaign to start in January

Posted on Thursday, December 19, 2024
The 'RISE' - Revitalizing Institution and Strengthening Excellence - State-Level Campaign organized under the auspices of Kudumbashree will start in January 2025. The aim is to strengthen the three-tier organizational structure as a whole by improving the efficiency and transparency of all 1070 CDSs under Kudumbashree.
The employees and Mission Officers who have been given the responsibility of enhancing the operational excellence of the CDSs under the name 'My CDS' are responsible for this. Under their leadership, the implementation and progress of project activities and related issues will be accurately evaluated in each CDS. Guidelines have been issued for Block Coordinators, District Programme Managers, District Mission Coordinators, Assistant Coordinators and Programme Officers in connection with the Campaign.
As part of the Campaign, various CDSs under a block will be distributed to 4 Block Coordinators. The period is three months. During this period, the activities and progress of the CDSs should be evaluated before the 7th of every month. The CDS will be visited and inspected to check the maintenance and accuracy of the registers prescribed under the Kudumbashree Bye-laws, loans, repayments, utilization of various funds available from the District Mission, software entry, and minutes of various meetings. Then, a report prepared in the prescribed format will be given to the District Mission Coordinator and a copy will be given to the CDS Chairperson. It is suggested that this report be included as a special agenda in the next CDS meeting and discussed to resolve the deficiencies. After three months, the responsibility of CDS will be transferred to the Block Coordinators. A common format inspection register will also be maintained in all CDSs. 
Based on the report provided by the Block Coordinator regarding the functioning of the CDSs, the District Missions will categorize the CDSs into ABC and D. Then the District Programme Managers, Assistant Coordinators, District Mission Coordinators and Programme Officers will also examine the report. The CDSs will also be visited. The Consolidated Report of the CDSs is also included as a main agenda in the District Project Review Meetings. Activities to resolve the current deficiencies of the CDSs that have received low grades and to elevate all the CDSs to excellence will be devised and implemented under the leadership of the District Mission. The State Mission will lead all activities.
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Kudumbashree RISE State Level Campaign to start in January