Amidst unprecedented floods and the calamities caused, the teaching and the non teaching staff of Kudumbashree's BUDS Rehabilitation Centres (BRC) contributed Rs 1 lakh to Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF), the emergency assistance release mechanism granting immediate relief to families and individuals distressed by calamity, loss of life due to accidents and chronic diseases. It is the 270 members of the association of the teaching and non teaching staff of the 114 BUDS Rehabilitation Centres across the State who made this glorious contribution. The members of this association Smt. Sheeja Beegum, Smt. Ambika Kumari, Smt. Vineetha and Smt. Shanthi handed over the cheque of Rs.1 lakh to Shri. E.P Jayarajan, Minister for Industries, Commerce, Sports and Youth Affairs, Government of Kerala on 14 September 2018.
The staff of BRCs wanted to do something for the society and they collected the amount in no time. The BRCs at Pathanamthitta and Alappuzha Districts were drowned and the staff were badly affected by the floods. Several staff have children who are mentally and physically challenged and many of them are the inmates of BRC. Even though many BRCs were badly affected by the floods, the staff came forward to contribute their share to the Government.
BUDS Rehabilitation Centres (BRCs) are day care centres for mentally challenged persons which are intended to fill a gap in the State’s existing system for providing care to the mentally challenged that caters only to persons up to 18 years of age. BRCs are meant for those who have already undergone special education through BUDS Schools or other centres. However, centres are also open to mentally challenged children who are unable to attend schools. BRCs are meant to train and support persons with special needs for equipping them with skills that make them employable.The staff of the BUDS Rehabilitation Centres are contented that they could make their contribution to support the Government in rebuilding Kerala.