As per GO(Ms)No.1200/80/LA&SWD dt: 16/08/1980, the Vigilance Cell at Secretariat comprising of Deputy Secretary, Senior Town Planner (Vigilance) and Confidential Assistant was started in LA&SWD Department. Later vide GO(Ms)No.268/2013/LSGD dt: 27/07/2013 vigilance wing was strengthened by creation of 16 additional posts and the post of Senior Town Planner (Vigilance) was upgraded to Chief Town Planner (Vigilance). This strengthening was done to take strong action against unauthorised/ illegal constructions. As per GO(Rt)No.3062/2018 LSGD dated 03.12.2018, one post of OA/ Chainman was created and the present strength is 17.
This technical wing headed by the Chief Town Planner (Vigilance) is now functioning on the 5th floor of Swaraj Bhavan, Nanthancode. The newly strengthened Vigilance Wing functions under the direct control of the Secretary/Principal Secretary of the Local Self-Government Department in accordance with the duties and functions prescribed by the Government.
The main function of this cell is to conduct file inspection and site inspection in response to complaints received regarding violations of building regulations, Master Plan/Detailed Town Planning Scheme violations and other violations of development control regulations across the state and prepare a technical report with recommendations for the government. In addition, reports based on surprise inspections of all Local Self Government bodies and District Town Planning offices regarding processing of building applications and violations at construction sites are to be submitted. Further action is taken by the Secretary/Principal Secretary of the Local Self-Government Department on the recommendation of the said reports. The duties and powers of the Chief Town Planner (Vigilance) are regulated as per GO(MS)No. 2459/2013/ dt 03/10/2013. The Secretary, Local Self-Government Department had issued Circular No.2344/RA3/2014/LSGD dt 18/01/2014 to streamline the functioning of the Vigilance Cell. At present, though investigations are being conducted in three zones under the leadership of the respective Town Planner (Vigilance), it is working from a single office at Thiruvananthapuram,. Zone I includes Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam and Idukki districts, Zone II includes Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur and Palakkad districts and Zone III includes Malappuram, Kozhikode, Wayanad, Kannur and Kasaragod districts.
Public can submit complaints regarding unauthorised/ illegal constructions and irregularities in files related to building applications to Hon'ble Minister of Department, Secretary/Principal Secretary of Local Self-Government Department, Chief Town Planner (Vigilance) in person, by post or by email.