Awareness programme Series on Covid-19 War Room activities has been started. The awareness programme is jointly organised by the Health Department of Kerala, Local Self Government Department War Room, Indian Medical Association (IMA), Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), and Kudumbashree. The awareness programme series was inaugurated by Smt. K. K. Shailaja, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Government of Kerala, on 13 May 2021. The programme aims at spreading awareness on the spread of the second wave of covid-19 pandemic to each and every household as most of the people are getting affected from the same. The awareness classes are scheduled to be held on 15, 17,19, 21 and 23 May 2021 at 2.30 PM. Eminent doctors and the concerned officials would clear the doubts of the public.
The elected representatives of the LSGIs, ward level committee members, war room nodal officers, volunteers, officials working in connection with covid-19 countering activities, Kudumbashree staff, office bearers of CDSs, ADSs and NHGs, training team members, KAASS members, Micro Enterprise Consultants, Jagratha Samithi members, community counsellors, office bearers of Balasabha, BUDS teachers, DDUGKY trainees etc have attended the awareness programme. The zoom meeting was streamed through the facebook and youtube channels of KILA. Dr. P.T Zacharia, State President, IMA, presided over the function. Shri. S. Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree introduced the project. Dr. Padmakumar, Professor of Medicine, Medical College, Alappuzha, led the class on taking care of covid-19 patients at households. Dr. R.C Sreekumar, Chairman, Research Cell & Digital IMA was the moderator of the programme. Dr. P. Gopikumar, State Secretary, IMA Kerala delivered the welcome speech. Dr. Joy Elamon. Director General (DG) Kerala Institute of Local Administration, also participated in the programme.