Kudumbashree members active in textbook distribution

Posted on Saturday, June 5, 2021

Kudumbashree has been entrusted with the task of distributing all the textbooks to the schools across the state, from this year onwards. Kerala Books and Publishing Society (KBPS) prints the books and transports them to the 15 hubs in the 14 districts of Kerala.  Kudumbashree had taken up the task of sorting these books as per the needs of the various societies in the respective districts and dispatching them in vehicles to the societies/ schools for timely distribution. A team under the leadership of Kudumbashree functions in these hubs for the same. 

Kudumbashree got the opportunity to take care of the distribution of textbooks during January 2021. A work force including supervisors were arranged for coordinating these activities in the hub, under the leadership of Kudumbashree District Coordinators by February. The first lot from KBPS was received during February itself and Kudumbashree members had started the activity of sorting the books as per the need obtained from the societies. But, strict regulations came into being due to the crisis of covid-19 pandemic. Following that, lockdown was notified in the state and these activities were temporarily stopped. Later, the text book distribution was included in the emergency service list and was given exemption. Hence we could restart this activity from last week onwards. We expect to arrange the books from KBPS and distribute them completely before last year's revision is finished, once the schools are reopened.

Until now, 70% of books are distributed from the hubs to the societies. A total of 320 Kudumbashree members including 15 supervisors are participating in these activities in the hubs. Kudumbashree members are happy to be able to extend such an important service, securing a temporary source of income, though it is a short term job opportunity that lasts only for a few months. Kudumbashree NHG members  are making great efforts to implement an activity that is helpful to the society on time, even during the crisis of covid-19 pandemic.




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