The government ordered to allocate Rs 33.6 crores as subsidy to Janakeeya Hotels, a public welfare scheme implemented in the state through Kudumbashree (G.O.(Rt) No. 2260/2023/LSGD dated 17-11-2023). 5043 Kudumbashree women entrepreneurs in 1198 Janakeeya Hotels will be benefited out of it. Rs 33.6 crores have now been sanctioned out of Rs 41.09 crores due from December 2022 to August 2023.
Janakeeya Hotels were started in the context of the Covid pandemic as part of the Hunger Free Kerala Scheme introduced in the budget of the State Government in the financial year 2019-20. The aim of the project was to provide free or moderate cost mid-day meals to the poor, marginalized, underprivileged and bedridden. Later the project was extended across the state on an enterprise model.
Meals were provided at Janakeeya Hotels at the rate of Rs 20 per meal and Rs 25 per parcel. Considering the covid situation, subsidy was also given to the entrepreneurs at the rate of Rs 10 per meal. The subsidy was discontinued when the threat of covid was over and the social life returned to its pre-covid status. Instead as per the direction of the District Planning Committee, Rs 30 to Rs 40 was fixed per meal in each district to avoid the financial burden for the entrepreneurs.
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Rs 33.6 Crore Subsidy for Kudumbashree Janakeeya Hotels; 5043 entrepreneurs of 1198Janakeeya Hotels benefitted