Kudumbashree had created history by selling cloth bags worth Rs 60 lakhs. An average turn over of Rs 60,01,715 was recorded upto November 2019. A total of 456 cloth bag production units are functioning all across the state. As per the Government Order (G.O(MS) No.7/2019/Cir) plastic has been banned in Kerala starting from 1 January 2020. Kudumbashree is partnering in the fight against plastic and thereby make livelihood possible for women. Under the leadership of the respective District Mission Coordinators of Kudumbashree in the 14 districts of Kerala, Kudumbashree had already started making cloth bags regionally and had started conducting awareness programmes against plastic.
In short, along with fighting back against plastic, Kudumbashree is helping finding more livelihood opportunities for women. Various districts have devised various activities in fighting back against plastic and had even ventured into new activities to promote the use of cloth bags. The cloth bags produced by the districts are purchased by the governmental and non-governmental institutions. In many districts, activities are progressing in association with the respective district administration. A few units are getting regular orders for the cloth bags. The details of the cloth bag production units is available in the link : http://www.kudumbashree.org/pages/816