Kudumbashree projects included in the new 100 Day Programme

Posted on Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The new 100 Day Programme of the present Government is also announced now and Kudumbashree projects are included in the new 100 Day Programme. Out of the announced projects, six programmes are to be taken up by Kudumbashree either fully or as a part of a broader scheme. These are challenging tasks which the Kudumbashree team will take up and implement. Once rolled out, the results of these programmes will lead to social development, progress and prosperity.

The details of the projects included in the ‘100 days program’ are given below :

1. Grading the Janakeeya Hotels as part of the Hunger Free Kerala Programme.

2. There are many Kudumbashree members who have completed entrepreneurship training, started the skill training and could not complete the same due to the lockdown. Their skill training would be completed and at least 2000 of them would start micro enterprises.
3. Financial assistance of Rs 200 crores would be distributed to NHGs through ADS. The support, in the form of Revolving Fund, is to address vulnerabilities caused due to COVID for the NHG members. Fund will be disbursed through 20,000 Area Development Societies (ADSs) of Kudumbashree.
4. Distribution of 50,000 laptops as part of the Vidyashree Programme, in association with KSFE.
5. The process of identifying poor families as part of alleviating extreme poverty would be completed. The families would be identified and data would be collected in all LSGIs based on these risk factors.
6. Construction of 2000 houses would be completed as part of PMAY(U)-LIFE Project.


Kudumbashree team would take up and complete the implementation of these priority projects included in the ‘100 Day Programme’ from 11 June to 19 September 2021. The weekly progress of these key programmes would be available on Kudumbashree's website. The Kudumbashree team would be able to showcase the best performance in implementing this ‘100 Day Programme’ with the same enthusiasm exhibited during the last two '100 Day Programmes'.

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Kudumbashree projects included in the new 100 Day Programme