
Kudumbashree invites logo and tagline for Kudumbashree BUDS Institutions

Posted on Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Kudumbashree invites logo and tagline for Kudumbashree BUDS Institutions, which works aiming at the education and rehabilitation of the differently abled run by Kudumbashree in the state associating with Local Self Government Institutions.  The best entry will get Rs 10,000 as prize. The logo and tagline should align with the basic objectives of BUDS Institutions like education of intellectually challenged children, day care, care and rehabilitation of intellectually challenged adults.
The entries may be sent to The Programme Officer (SD), Kudumbashree, TRIDA Building, Medical College P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-695011.  The last date for receipt of the entries is 10 August 2023. 
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Kudumbashree invites logo and tagline for Kudumbashree BUDS Institutions

Samunnathi- Kudumbashree Scheduled Caste Comprehensive Development Project launched at Kuzhalmannam Block of Palakkad

Posted on Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Samunnathi- Kudumbashree Scheduled Caste Comprehensive Development Project has been launched at Kuzhalmannam Block of Palakkad district of Kerala. Shri. M.B Rajesh, Minister, Local Self Government Department and Excise Department, Government of Kerala inaugurated the programme held at Thenkurissi Panchayath Community Hall, Palakkad on 29 July 2023. The Minister said that through the launch of this project, Kudumbashree aims at inclusion of the sidelined communities and this project has been launched in Kuzhalmannam Block as 25 % of the population are from Scheduled Tribes community. Within the last 25 years, Kudumbashree has made revolutionary and astonishing changes in the life of women socially, financially and politically. Making changes in the lives of women means that Kudumbashree is capable of making changes in the lives of the people of Kerala altogether. Kudumbashree have brought leadership of women to the mainstream of the society. Also Kudumbashree  paved the way for comprehensive women empowerment  The Minister said. 
Kudumbashree has made the play written by VT Bhattathiripad come true by bringing women to the mainstream of the society. Kudumbashree had made great contributions to  complete the social reformation movement of Kerala. The President of India had joined Kudumbashree during its Silver Jubilee Celebrations and the comment made by the President of India about Kudumbashree brings immense pride not only to every Kudumbashree member but also to all keralites. He added. 
Shri. K. D Prasenan, MLA, Alathoor Constituency presided over the function. Shri. Jafar Malik IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbahsree explained the project.  The Minister also launched the Samunnathi Guideline during the function. Various funds for the SC NHGs, distribution of special seed capital and livelihood funds to the7 CDSs were also held. 
Kudumbashree State Mission is starting a special project called 'Samunnathi' for the first time in the state in the Kuzhalmannam block of Palakkad district where the largest number of Scheduled Castes reside as part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission's Annual Action Plan as a part of special intervention in the Scheduled Castes region. This project aims to implement various development activities for the Scheduled Castes in the seven Kudumbashree CDSs of Kuzhalmannam block  in three phases. This project also aims to bring all the families of the Scheduled Castes into the Kudumbashree system and implement various locally possible livelihood work activities and carry out various social women empowerment interventions.
There are 7 Local Self-Government bodies in Kuzhalmannam block such as Thenkurissi Grama Panchayath, Kottayi Grama Panchayath, Kannadi Grama Panchayath, Kuzhalmannam Grama Panchayath, Kuthanur Grama Panchayath, Mathoor Grama Panchayath. Peringottukurissi Grama Panchayath. 25% of the total population belongs to the SC category. Wage labor and agricultural work are the main means of livelihood. Compared to other communities, the Scheduled Castes are economically, socially, educationally and professionally very backward. Mainly Panan, Mannan, Perumannan, Parayan, Cheruman, Kanakkan, Doban, Koodan, Kavara, Pulayan, Pulluvan, Valluvan, Nayadi, Chakiliyan and other groups live here.
Through the Samunnathi scheme, mainly the interventions such as formation and strengthening of NHGs, trainings for existing NHGs (accounting, organizational structure, various projects), strengthening of micro-income development activities by providing community funds Vulnerability Reduction Fund, Revolving Fund and Corpus Fund to NHGs and Seed Capital Fund, Livelihood Fund etc to CDSs, agriculture focused livelihood activities, formation of mechanized agricultural workforce (Green Army), formation of Agricultural Joint Liability Groups, initiation of animal protection initiatives, micro-enterprise formation by identifying local resource potential etc will be implemented for Scheduled Caste families.
Ms. Binumol .K, President, District Panchayath, Palakkad, Shri. C. K Chamunni, Vice President, District Panchayath Palakkad, Shri. T. K Devadas, President, Kuzhalmannam Block Panchayat, Ms. Maruthi Murugan, Block Panchayath President Attappady and Kudumbashree Governing Body Member, Shri. Bhargavan. R, President, Thenkurissi Grama Panchayath, Shri, Satheesh. R, President, Kottayi Grama Panchayath, Ms. Latha . M, President, Kannadi Grama Panchayath, Ms. Mini Narayanan, President, Kuzhalmannam Grama Panchayath, Shri. P. T Sahadevan, President, Kuthanur Grama Panchayath, Ms. Pravitha Muraleedharan President,  Mathoor Grama Panchayath, Ms. Keralakumari. K.M, President, Peringottukurissi Grama Panchayath, other officials also became part of the function. Shri. K. K Chandradasan, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Palakkad District Mission welcomed the gathering and Shri. Jijin.G, District Programme Manager, Kudumbashree Palakkad District Mission delivered the vote of thanks. 
Malu Amma, who is member of Kudumbashree for the last 22 years, Mundiyamma, 80 year old NHG member and members of Prathyasha unit, Balasabha members , JLG members who did cultivation in 5 acres of land and the first NHG formed as part of the Samunnathi Project was also felicitated at the function. 
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Samunnathi- Kudumbashree Scheduled Caste Comprehensive Development Project launched at Kuzhalmannam Block of Palakkad

First Phase of Sajjam Training for Balasabha members completed

Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2023
The first phase of the  'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme Training for Balasabha members which envisages preparing the new generation to face natural calamities has been completed.  9311 children participated in the training organized in 206 CDSs in 14 districts on 15-16 July 2023. A total of 608 District Level Resource Persons were trained by 28 Master Trainers and State Disaster Management Authority representatives. The Balasabha members are being given training through them.
It is aimed to provide training to one lakh Balasabha members of the state in different phases by Onam holidays. Along with providing awareness on the issues of nature, environment, disaster impact mitigation, rights and responsibilities, children will be given an opportunity to learn about various natural disasters like floods, landslides, droughts, landslides, sea storms and understand the current disaster management systems. 
Training is provided through various activities in which the children can understand for themselves, including how climate change affects their lives. Through these trained children, adults will also be given awareness. 
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First Phase of Sajjam Training for Balasabha members completed

'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme: Training for Balasabha Members starts

Posted on Saturday, July 15, 2023

Training for Balasabha Members as part of 'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme has started on 15 July 2023. The programme envisages preparing the new generation to face natural calamities. 608 District Level Resource Persons in 14 districts were trained by 28 trained Master Trainers and representatives of the State Disaster Management Authority on 30 June 2023 and 1 July 2023. Through these 608 Resource Persons around 1 lakh children aged between 13 and 17 years of age across the state will be trained in disaster preparedness.

Along with providing awareness on the issues of nature, environment, disaster impact mitigation, rights and responsibilities, children will be given an opportunity to learn about various natural disasters like floods, landslides, droughts, landslides, sea storms and understand the current disaster management systems. The training is through various activities where the children can understand for themselves, including how climate change affects their lives. Through them awareness will be given to other children as well as adults.
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'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme: Training for Balasabha Members starts

National Workshop on PRI-CBO Convergence Universalization Programme concluded

Posted on Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Two- Day National Workshop on PRI-CBO (Panchayati Raj Institutions-Community Based Organisations) Convergence Universalization Programme jointly organized by Ministry of Rural Development and Kudumbashree at Udaya Samudra Beach Hotel, Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram has concluded. Shri. Vikas Anand, Joint Secretary, MoPR talked on 'VPRP-GPDP (Village Poverty Reduction Plan-Grama Panchayat Development Plan) Integration: Scope of Convergence between CBOs and PRIs and Role of SIRD (State Institute of Rural Development), DoPR (Department of Panchayati Raj)'.

On the second day of the workshop, the Experiences from the Field Visits were shared by the Field Visit Teams in the session moderated by Ms. Kavita Maria, National Mission Manager, NMMU (National Mission Management Unit). The delegates were divided into 6 groups and they made field visits to Venganoor, Balaramapuram, Kottukal, Kanjiramkulam, Pallichal and Karakulam Panchayats and visited BUDS Institutions, Anganwadi, ALMSC (Anganwadi Level Monitoring and Support Committee, Budget Hotel (Janakeeya Hotel) and Haritha Karma Sena. They also made interactions with Panchayat, CDS and line department officials regarding Structure of Panchayat and CBO, Preparation of CDS Action Plans, Evaluation Committee, Women Component Plan, Destitute Free Kerala Programme, Micro Plan for Extreme Poor, Citizen’s committees, Sustainable Development Goals, VPRP- GPDP integration mechanisms and integration of schemes of line departments with GPDP. Prior to the presentation of the field visit teams, Ms. Priya Paul, Manager, PRI-CBO Convergence, Kudumbashree NRO explained the Three-Tier Community Structure of Kudumbashree in Kerala.

According to the delegates, the field visits gave them a wholesome experience and helped them to identify the gaps in their implementation and replicate the Kerala model. According to Dr. Prasada Rao Vaddarapu, CEO, Tripura SRLM, the Grama Panchayats in Kerala acts as a 'Mini Secretariat' and it is highly impressive. He added that Kerala has made tremendous achievements and Kerala should be considered a 'Global Model'. The delegates also mentioned about the effective convergence system they experienced and how this convergence is coming out. They also mentioned how systematically Haritha Karma Sena in the state is working. They also suggested that Janakeeya Hotels and BUDS Institutions are unique models from Kerala.

Dr. Sharmila Mary Joseph, Principal Secretary, Local Government Department, Government of Kerala moderated the Panel Discussion - PRI CBO Convergence: Role of MoPR (Ministry of Panchayati Raj), DoPR (Department of Panchayati Raj), NIRD (National Institute of Rural Administration), SIRD (State Institute of Rural Development).

Ms. Usha Rani, Lead IBCB, NRLM, moderated the Panel Discussion on 'Pilot experience of PRI-CBO Convergence' of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand and Meghalaya. Whereas, Ms. Jui Bhattacharya, National Mission Manager, NMMU moderated the State Operational Framework (SoF) Presentation of Tamil Nadu, Tripura and Himachal Pradesh.

Ms. Smriti Sharan, Joint Secretary, MoRD spoke about the Way Forward. Shri. S. M Vijayanand, Former Chief Secretary of Kerala, Dr Prathyusha Bhatnaik, Assistant Professor, NIRDPR, Dr. Nirmala Sanu George, Advisor, Kerala State Finance Commission, Government of Kerala were also present at the function. Dr. B. Najeeb, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Thiruvananthapuram District Mission delivered the vote of thanks. A Cultural Programme by a tribal group from Attappady was presented during the function.




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National Workshop on PRI-CBO Convergence Universalization Programme concludedEN

Kudumbashree launches 'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme for Balasabha Members

Posted on Thursday, July 6, 2023
Kudumbashree launched 'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme for Balasabha Members. And from now onwards, Balasabha members will no longer falter in the face of disaster, they will make the public 'ready' for survival. The Climate change and environmental problems are all together causing disasters on our earth and these disasters affect children the most. Kudumbashree with the 'Sajjam-Surakshitharavam-Surakshitharakkam' Building Resilience Project, which prepares the new generation to face disasters. The target is to provide direct training to one lakh children aged 13 to 17 years who are members of the Kudumbashree Balasabha.
The District level training for Balasabha members will be started in the month of July. Ahead of this, a two-day training for master trainers was organized on 30 June 2023 and 1 July 2023. A total of 28 master trainers from 14 districts participated in the training. The main focus of the training was on Climate Change, Children's Rights and Responsibilities, Disasters and Hazards.
The 'Sajjam' Project imparts awareness to Balasabha members about disasters, how to recognize disasters and how to respond in such situations. Through these directly trained children, awareness will be imparted to other children and adults. The team preparing the module of this training will also serve as the State Level Technical Resource Team of the Scheme.


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Kudumbashree launches 'Sajjam'- Building Resilience Programme for Balasabha Members

Two- Day Workshop on 'Innovative Approach Towards Urban Poverty Alleviation' concluded sharing Best Practices of States/ Union Territories

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2023

 The officials of Housing and Urban Affairs visited the Best Practices of Kudumbashree in NULM. The team including Shri. Rahul Kapoor, Joint Secretary & Mission Director, DAY-NULM,  Dr Madhu Rani Teotia, Director, DAY- NULM, Ms. Shalini Pandey, Director, PM SVANidhi and other officials from the Ministry visited Kudumbashree Initiative for Business Solutions-KIBS at Kochi Metro & Water Metro. The team also paid a visit to Samridhi Hotel at Kochi Corporation run by Kudumbashree which serves affordable meals at Rs.10. The team made interactions with Shri. Loknath Behra, Managing Director, Kochi Metro Rail Ltd and Kudumbashree NHG members.

Whereas the officials from other states visited the CLF activities and Convergences with the Urban Local Bodies at Thrissur Corporation and Women's Food Court, Thrissur, Harithakarmasena- Women Enterprises in Waste Management at Kunnamkulam Municipality, City Livelihood Centre through convergence with ULB and Tourism Department at Guruvayoor Municipality, Kudumbashree Premium Food Court.

On the last day of the National Workshop on 'Innovative Approach Towards Urban Poverty Alleviation', two Technical Sessions were held on 'International Best Practices in Urban Poverty Reduction' and 'Convergence for Inclusive Urban Livelihoods'.

Shri. Rahul Kapoor, Joint Secretary & Mission Director, DAY-NULM  moderated the first Technical Session- 'International Best Practices in Urban Poverty Reduction'. Dr. Ravi Chandra, Livelihoods & Value Chain Specialist, UNDP, Shri. Abhishek Anand, Partner, MicroSave, Ms. Manvita Baradi, Director, Urban Management Centre (UMC), Ms, Sanskriti Shree, Centre for Civil Society and Dr Monish Jose, Assistant Professor, Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) were the panelists of the session.

Dr. Sharmila Mary Joseph, Principal Secretary, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala was the moderator of the Technical Session-'Convergence for Inclusive Livelihoods'. The panelists of the session included Ms. Prakriti Mehtha, Deputy Advisor, Quality Council of India(QCI), Ms. Panchami Choudhury, State Mission Director, Assam, Ms, Amruta, Lighthouse Community, Pune, Ms. Meghna Malhotra, Deputy Director, UMC and Shri. Jahamgeer. S, Programme Officer (Urban), Kudumbashree.  

Dr Madhu Rani Teotia, Director, DAY- NULM & Ms. Anu Kumari IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree delivered vote of thanks on behalf of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and Kudumbashree respectively. As a token of gratitude, the delegates were given 'Rain Makers' made by Tribal NHGs of Kudumbashree out of Bamboo.



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Two- Day Workshop on 'Innovative Approach Towards Urban Poverty Alleviation' concluded sharing Best Practices of States/ Union Territories

National Workshop on 'Innovative Approaches Towards Urban Poverty Alleviation' kickstarted

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2023

Shri. M. B Rajesh, Minister, Local Self Government Department and Excise, Government of Kerala inaugurated the Two-Day National Workshop on 'Innovative Approaches Towards Urban Poverty Alleviation' at Adlux Convention Centre, Angamaly, Ernakulam and delivered the keynote address. The Minister said that this National Workshop would give a proper direction and new inspiration for NULM when we are going ahead. The Minister said that DAY-NULM in Kerala has been able to reach out to the significant section of urban poor. The state maintained consistency in the performance of implementing NULM. Kerala has been maintaining very good performance in SPARK Ranking for the last 6 years. He added.

Shri Rahul Kapoor, Joint Secretary & Mission Director, Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission & PM SVANidhi made a presentation on 'DAY-NULM with a focus on NULM and way forward'. He said that we were waiting expectantly for what is going to be the future of NULM. He added that NULM and PM SVANidhi are two of the schemes that focus on the social aspect of urban areas under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, that look at the softer elements or softer aspects of improving the lives of the people, especially the vulnerable and directly connecting with them. NULM has its own shades of success and challenges and there is still scope of improvement. A collaborative approach of Government, Industry, Civil Society and Knowledge Partners is needed to address these challenges. So as we move forward to the closure of NULM 1.0, and as we think of the way this mission needs to be redesigned or restructured or the way we look at urban poverty alleviation is that probably we should look at things from a newer level. He added.

Ms. Sarada Muraleedharan, Additional Chief Secretary, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala made a presentation on 'Poverty Eradication & Women. Ms. Anu Kumari, Executive Director (In-Charge), Kudumbashree and Shri. Sajith Sukumaran, COO, Kudumbashree NRO jointly made a presentation on 'Envisioning Kudumbashree as an Urban NRO'.

The states which have received SPARK Award for the Best Implementation of NULM were felicitated at the function. The SPARK Awards for the financial year 2021-22 (1st Rank-Andhra Pradesh, 2nd Rank-Kerala, 3rd Rank-Tamil Nadu) and NER & Himalayan States for the financial year 2021-22 (1st Rank-Mizoram,2nd Rank-Himachal Pradesh, 3rd Rank-Uttarakhand) and the SPARK Awards for the financial year 2022-23 (1st Rank-Gujarat, 2nd Rank-Kerala, 3rd Rank-Uttarakhand) and NER & Himalayan States for the financial year 2022-23 (1st Rank-Mizoram, 2nd Rank-Himachal Pradesh, 3rd Rank-Tripura) were also given away at the function.

'Compendium of 50 Case Studies of Urban Micro Enterprises' was launched at the function. U- Learn 2.0 (Urban Livelihood e-Learning and Resource Network) application, an e-learning initiative with the objective of building capacities of DAY-NULM was also launched. A short film on DAY-NULM was also screened at the function. The Live Musical Choreograph depicting the saga of Kudumbashree, penned by Shri. Karivellur Murali, Poet and sung by Ms. Pushpavathy Poypadathu was performed by Kudumbashree NHG members.

The National Workshop is jointly organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India and Kudumbashree.The objective of the National Workshop is to provide a robust platform for cross learning, i.e., to help to know and understand the Best Practices of the States and Union Territories implementing NULM, including Kerala. The National Workshop provides an opportunity to understand each other's challenges, field-level realities and complexities associated with implementing poverty eradication programmes in urban areas in each state and union territory.

There were Technical Sessions on the topics such as Infrastructure Development - Building a Path to Prosperity, Fostering Inclusive Urban Livelihoods: Building Bridges for All, Empowering Livelihoods through Technology. Tomorrow, there will be Technical Sessions on the International Best Practices in Urban Poverty Reduction and Convergence for Inclusive Urban Livelihoods. Following that, the delegates will visit Guruvayoor Municipality, Kunnamkulam Municipality, Kochi Metro, Water Metro and Thrissur Corporation to learn the Best Practices of NULM in Kerala.

Ms. Anu Kumari, Executive Director (In-Charge), Kudumbashree welcomed the gathering. Shri Rahul Kapoor, Joint Secretary & Mission Director, Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission & PM SVANidhi, Ms. Sarada Muraleedharan, Additional Chief Secretary, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala, Dr Madhu Rani Teotia, Director, DAY- NULM, Ms. Shalini Pandey, Director, PM SVANidhi, Shri. M. Krishnadas, Chairman, Guruvayur Municipality and Chairman, Kerala Municipal Chairman's Chamber were present at the function. The two-day workshop is being attended by Mission Directors from the States where NULM is implemented and other officials. Theme stalls and product stalls are also set up as part of the programme.



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National Workshop on 'Innovative Approaches Towards Urban Poverty Alleviation' kickstarteden

Kudumbashree launches Radioshree

Posted on Friday, June 9, 2023
Radioshree, the online radio launched by Kudumbashree will become a unified platform for the activities of 46 lakh Kudumbashree members of Kerala. Educational, health and entertainment programmes and various discussions can now be heard through 'Radio Shree'. The mobile application 'Radioshree' can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. An eight-hour programme will be aired a day. And then the repetition of that programme will be broadcasted.  This is how 'Radio Shree' is currently working.
To download the Radioshree App:


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Kudumbashree launches Radioshreeen

Kerala Chicken Poultry Processing Plant inaugurated

Posted on Friday, June 9, 2023
Kerala Chicken Poultry Processing Plant has been launched to boost Kudumbashree Kerala Chicken Project activities in the state. Shri. V. Sasi, MLA, Chirayinkeezhu Constituency inaugurated the plant which is located at Kadinamkulam of Thiruvananthapuram district. The plant is situated on four and a half acres in Channankara.

Kudumbashree is implementing the project in collaboration with the Department of Animal Welfare and KEPCO with the objectives of finding a solution to the high price of chicken meat, providing clean chicken meat to the consumers, ensuring regular income for the chicken farmers who are members of Kudumbashree, producing and distributing 50 percent of the broiler chicken market in the state itself. The activities are coordinated by the Kudumbashree Broiler Farmers Producer Company Limited.

The plant has the capacity to process 500 chickens per hour. After conducting ante-mortem inspection of the one and a half month old broiler chickens delivered here, only fully healthy chickens will be used for processing. Processing and further operations are carried out scientifically with the help of various machines in semi-automated poultry processing line with the help of overhead rail system. There is also an extensive cold storage facility for keeping poultry meat chilled.

The quality assured products will be marketed under the brand name 'Kudumbashree Kerala Chicken' through supermarkets in the first phase. Various value added products of poultry will be produced and a 'Meat On Wheels' mobile sales outlet will be started to make them available to the customers.

At present, chicken is supplied to all the 111 outlets operating in the state from farmers working under the Kerala Chicken Scheme. When the processing plant starts functioning, all the chickens required here will be procured from the same farmers.

Shri. Hari Prasad, President, Pothencode Block Panchayath  presided over the function. Dr. Sajeev Kumar. A, CEO, Kerala Chicken Broiler Farmers Producer Company Limited &  Programme Officer, Kudumbashree explained the project. Shri. N. Sasidharan Nair, Private Secretary to the Minister of Local Self-Government and Excise Department, Ms. Ajitha Ani, President, Kadinamkulam Grama Panchayath, Ms. Unaisa Ansari, Member Kaniyapuram Division District Panchayath, Ms. Sreekala. S, Chief Environmental Engineer, Dr. Beena Beevi, District Animal Husbandry Officer and Ms. Ruby Naushad, CDS Chairperson extended their greetings. Dr. B. Najeeb, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Thiruvananthapuram District Mission welcomed the gathering and Ms. Sachithra Babu, Director, KBFPCL, delivered the vote of thanks.




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Kerala Chicken Poultry Processing Plant inaugurateden