Four states replicates Kudumbashree Balasabha model through NRO

Posted on Friday, August 14, 2020

Four states in India are replicating the Kudumbashree Balasabha model through Kudumbashree National Research Organisation. The activity of the formation of Balasabhas in other states as part of the functioning of Kudumbashree NRO is progressing well. At present, formation of Balsabhas has been started at Tripura, Assam, Jharkhand and Manipur. In Tripura,1529 children are members of 125 Balasabha, whereas in Assam, 17,250 children are members of 1150 Balasabha. In Jharkhand there are 2900 Balasabha which have 41,290 children as members whereas in Manipur,  there are 20 Balasabha which have 300 children as members.


It was while going forward with the NRO activities, Kudumbashree NRO team noticed the issues faced by the children in different states. The issues they faced included dropping out from schools, child marriages, becoming victims of human trafficking, drug addiction etc. As a solution to this, Kudumbashree thought of forming Balasabhas at those locations (blocks/ panchayats) where NRO is supporting the states. And the same have been implemented in 4 states.


Preventing intergenerational transmission of poverty, acquiring knowledge through entertainment, developing leadership qualities, nurturing co-operative attitude, raising aptitude towards science, helping understanding democratic processes, ensuring participation in conserving the environment, and focusing on personality development of the students are some of the key aims of Balasabha. Kudumbashree NRO formed Balasabhas focusing on these aims.

Initially, there were no favourable situations for implementing such an activity in other states as this was a novel concept. But now the formation of Balasabhas is progressing in four states in the best possible manner. Children who are members of these Balsabhas are organising various activities. Resource Persons from within the villagers were selected and are entrusted for coordinating the functioning of the Balasabhas.

It was during 2012, the Government of India (Ministry of Rural Development) recognised Kudumbashree as a National Resource Organisation (NRO). As per the request of the different states, NRO functions in various areas of the country, working on various projects.  The activities of NRO focus on supporting the states for forming SHG networks, supporting women (SHG members) to start micro enterprises and to make convergences possible with the Local Self Government Institutions. Also the overall thrust is to help women earn their rights through various initiatives. As of now, 20 states and one Union Territory have signed MoU with Kudumbashree NRO.

 Kudumbashree National Resource Organisation (NRO) functions aiming at providing supports to other states, based on the experience from Kudumbashree model of Kerala. Balasabha, the 'Kudumbashree of Children', was started as a fraternity of children who accompany their mothers during the Kudumbashree neighbourhood group meetings.

The Kudumbashree NRO team and the mentors adapted and framed the concept of Balasabha suiting the same to the requirement and situation of various states. They had started implementing the concept quickly, guiding the younger generation of all these partner states of Kudumbashree.

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It was during 2012, the Government of India (Ministry of Rural Development) recognised Kudumbashree as a National Resource Organisation (NRO)