Kudumbashree Mission contribute an additional amount of Rs 4.18 crore to CMDRF, which altogether make a whopping total of Rs 11.18 crores. Shri. S. Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission handed over the cheque to Shri. Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister, Government of Kerala in the presence of Shri. A.C Moideen, Minister for Local Self Governments, Government of Kerala at Chief Minister's Chamber on 31 October 2018.
Kudumbashree Mission had already contributed an amount of Rs 7 Crore to Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund. It is in addition to that, Rs 4.18 Crore is contributed. The major part of the amount was mobilized locally by pooling the weekly thrift collection of the NHG members based on the request of the Executive Director of Kudumbashree Mission. NHGs pooled those funds from various sources such as their contributions; amount kept aside for Onam celebrations etc was also added towards the cause. Apart from this, the Resource Persons, members of the Kudumbashree Accounts and Audit Service Society (KAASS) and Training Group Members had also made their individual contributions.
Even though majority of Kudumbashree members were badly affected by the flood, they have been in the forefront in the relief activity and cleaning exercises as well. Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF) is the emergency assistance release mechanism granting immediate relief to families and individuals distressed by calamity, loss of life due to accidents and chronic diseases.