'Wings of Fire' Auxiliary Group from Kozhikode sets a new model

Posted on Friday, July 5, 2024
'Wings of Fire' Kudumbashree Auxiliary group  from Ward 18 of Tiruvallur gram panchayat of Kozhikode district is gaining attention with its work which can be an example for all Auxiliary Groups, the new face of Kudumbashree. This two-year-old 15-member group undertakes a wide variety of activities.
The important one among is to run the tuition centre in such a way as to help the entire new generation while earning their own livelihood. They are making effective interventions in the social field as well. More than 20 students study at the tuition centre where educated Auxiliary Group members take classes. The money received from the Christmas carols were spent for the members of the Thanal Old Age Home in Vadakara. Intervention was made to get public health insurance card online. Organized a protest against violence against women. Organized Onam and Christmas celebrations and Ifthar feast. Wings of Fire's involvement in the social arena has been extended by organizing a women's festival to showcase their artistic and cultural talents to all the young women of their locality.
 Kudumbashree Auxiliary Groups will be formed on ward basis where young women between 18 to 40 years of age can become members. A group can have a maximum of 10 to 20 members. If more people come forward with interest, another group can be formed in the same ward.
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'Wings of Fire' Auxiliary Group from Kozhikode sets a new model