Through Onam Trade Fairs and Onam Markets, Kudumbashree had made better marketing opportunities for Kudumbashree entrepreneurs and farming group members during this onam season amidst the challenges caused by covid-19. A sales of Rs 12.45 crores was recorded through these trade fairs and markets, which were organized wherever possible in the state level, LSGI level and district levels maintaining the covid protocols. The trade fairs and onam markets were started from 16 August 2021 onwards.
Kudumbashree had organized onam trade fairs on its own and converging with Supplyco, Agriculture Department and various other departments as well. Such trade fairs were organized in the LSGI level and district level. A total of 905 onam trade fairs were organized in the LSGI level under the leadership of the respective CDSs. In addition, 21 district level trade fairs were also organized. Products of 19,704 entrepreneurs and vegetables of 16,434 farming groups (Joint Liability Group-JLG) were made available to the public as part of the onam trade fairs. Food kits comprising of Kudumbashree products were packed and delivered to the needy as per the order in 9 CDSs of Malappuram and Kollam districts. 2429 food kits were distributed. Kudumbashree was able to make a sales of Rs 9,64,29,930 through kits and trade fairs.

In addition, the products of the JLGs were also given importance. Onam Markets were organized in the CDS level from 16-20 August 2021 and sales of Rs 2,80,61,461.4 were also recorded. 7.53 lakh kg vegetables of 27,442 JLGs were made available to the general public through these markets. Kudumbashree micro entrepreneurs and JLG members were make maximum out of this opportunity, during this crisis period.
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Sales of Rs 12.45 crores through Kudumbashree Trade Fairs and Onam Marketsen