'Inno Explosive', an Entrepreneurial Idea Competition is being organized under the leadership of Kudumbashree Ernakulam District Mission. Kudumbashree is organizing a rare opportunity to share the entrepreneurial ideas and win the first prize of Rs.5000. This Entrepreneurial Idea Competition is being held for the general public as part of the National Saras Mela proposed to be held in Ernakulam during December 2023.
Business ideas suitable for the conditions of Kerala and suitable for women entrepreneurs with an investment of less than Rs 10 lakhs should be given. Ideas from any field are welcome. Along with the idea, the physical and financial details of the venture should also be recorded. The last date for sending the ideas is 30 November 2023. The ideas may be sent to sarasmelaernakulam@gmail.com or to The District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Mission, Civil Station, 2nd Floor, Kakkanad, Ernakulam 682030.
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'Inno Explosive' Entrepreneurial Idea Competition organized as part of Saras Mela Ernakulamd